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Videos—3MJ: Greece (Corinth)

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  • 3MJ Corinth: Romans
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    At this point in the Acts narrative, all that Luke says is that Paul spent three months “in Greece” (Acts 20:2). Luke does not specifically say this time was spent in Corinth. However, when we compare the Acts account with Paul’s statements in 2 Corinthians, the conclusion can be drawn easily that Luke’s “Greece” sojourn for Paul is, in fact, Paul’s stay in Corinth, which would have been shortly after Paul had written 2 Corinthians from somewhere in Macedonia. In terms of the storyline, we learn from 2 Corinthians that Paul was able finally to rendezvous with Titus in Macedonia. He received joyful news of reconciliation with Corinth. Thus, Paul is rejoicing as he writes 2 Corinthians. He sends Titus ahead of him with this letter back down to Corinth to prepare them for his visit to the church to stay the winter when sea travel was hazardous and the shipping lanes generally closed. As he reconnects with the Corinthian church during this winter sojourn and renews their fellowship, he has time to reflect upon his gospel, his mission, and his future plans. He presents these thoughts in the letter of Romans, generally regarded as the magnum opus of his literary career.
Videos-3MJ > Ephesus Region Macedonia Greece Asia Judea